Lately... bz bout assignment d ==
and of coz nid 2 prepare 4 project...
heard from seniors tat.. we will b more bz at end of semester...
all project juz pop out and u will... SUFFER!! F5 ==
lately... seems like thr is some miscommunicate 4 me and my hostel-mate d
i try 2 do my best d..
and at class... phew~ we sure are crazy ==
learnin japanese from felix.. (dunno y he kept callin me boss ==)
joke wif eric... ( we sure juz like brother d ==+)
we both say joke... and ppl kept laughin d
not bad 4 us 2 learn 2 b a speaker d ==
at class sure siao siao~ we kept doin many crazy stuff..
but glad tat we r doin things tat won't danger our life d ==
havin lunch wif classmate sure is fun d
i think we hav bout 5 gangs in class d...
one is joker group.. tat's me and eric as "A Head" d ==
and monitor group... cute name eh??
one is C H group... wat is CH? well... ==
nid 4~5 person 2 do d combo more good.. XD
and one more... tat is ... couple ==
dun mention their name d... i will vomit ==
and d others sometimes here sometimes thr...
so.... d 5th group... d cincai group ==
if can... i try 2 make every classmate 2 hav meal 2geter...
imagine whole class go 2 one place 2 do things.. (juz like fightin?? ==)
CD0905-3.. let's try our best and smoothly go 2 next sem d ^^
and of coz...
i wouldn't forget u d dear ^^
u also gud luk at secondary school nia~
k bah... time 2 study loh... almost mid term 4 all subjects d ==